Our Process

A structured, rules based review, is completed each quarter by the Adaptive investment committee. This review includes an intense analysis of each retirement plan offering.  Funds or portfolios that are not conforming to expectations are placed on a watch list and monitored closely over the next review cycles. If changes are required, the committee chooses the best investment alternative and directs the replacement of investment management.

Manager Selection

Adaptive Investments is committed to partnering with those we judge to be “the best of the best” when it comes to choosing managers for our retirement plan lineup. We select those we believe show the greatest promise of continuing to meet our standards. 

We apply our experience to identifying those investment managers who, we believe, have demonstrated their success in capturing greater upside returns while tempering the impact of sudden downdrafts.

Ongoing Due Diligence

Selected managers for Adaptive Investments must meet and maintain our criteria for:

  • Long term performance that meets or exceeds our fiduciary scoring review

  • Consistency and adherence to stated investment philosophy

  • Continuity of the management team

Investment Committee

Adaptive Investments operates under the guidance of the seasoned team of professionals which comprise the Investment Committee. Members are jointly responsible for the selection, monitoring – and if necessary – replacement of Funds.  Their decades of combined experience provide the Committee with a degree of insight into the process of identifying and selecting investment solutions to add a greater degree of diversification to plan offerings.